In 2011, our Teacher Quality Improvement programme (TQI), moved into its second year of operation. The first year saw the graduation of more than 300 teachers from Yogyakarta and central Java. In 2011, Titian targeted another 350 teachers to join the programme.
In the lead-up to the second year, Titian had held a seminar entitled “New Paradigms in Learning”. This seminar was attended by nearly 400 headmasters, school supervisors and school management from Yogyakarta province and the Klaten regency. 100 of the 400 headmasters were selected to join a further workshop called “Schools, from Good to Great”. This workshop was a continuation of the seminar and both were targeted at headmasters of elementary and junior high schools. The idea was to provide information for headmasters, as the senior person in their school, about the TQI programme and its role in enhancing the quality of education. Eventually, they are expected to encourage teachers to join the programme and support them afterwards. (Titian World 2nd Edition, March 2012)