Duta Maritim Indonesia Aspeksindo 2023 dari Lombok Utara

One of our scholarship students, Ni Nyoman Dea Anggreni, often called Dea, is a 10th grade student at SMAN 1 Tanjung. Dea resides in a hamlet named Kr. Bayan Tanjung, in North Lombok Regency. She is one of the 4th Generation of Titian Foundation Lombok students who successfully qualified as a participant in the 3rd […]

Mengajar Dengan Hati

After a series of training sessions to enhance their teaching abilities, at the end of the programme, the teachers who benefited from the TQI (Teacher Quality Improvement) Titian program successfully completed the collaborative writing of a book titled ‘Mengajar Dengan Hati: Untaian Inspiratif Para Pendidik’ (Teaching with Heart: Inspirational Threads of Educators). The book was […]

Diskusi Kecil Soal Memulai Perjalanan Karir

By Wuddy Warsono, CFA Finally, I had the opportunity to come back to Titian Center in Bayat Village, Klaten, Central Java, after missing out for a long time since the pandemic era. The hospitality of the local residents, the beauty of the village’s nature and rice fields, the enthusiasm of the team, and the children […]

Tujuan Sama, Berbeda Cara

As their feet stepped off the stage and the graduation medals hung around their necks, Titian scholarship students in Pemenang, North Lombok, who are now Titian alumni, were seen putting on cheerful smiles. After spending three years together with Titian, send-off is one last agenda which is attended by Titian Foundation scholarship students. As the […]

Kunjungan Qatar Museums ke SMKN 1 ROTA Bayat

Qatar Museums official team visited SMKN 1 ROTA Bayat in Klaten, a vocational school which its construction was supported by the Kingdom of Qatar through ROTA (Reach Out to Asia) and facilitated by Titian Foundation in 2009. This special moment has beautifully shown the richness of exquisite Indonesian artworks, certainly supporting cultural initiatives of Qatar […]

Kain-Kain Tenun Penebar Pesona di Acara Kemnaker

A new phase for the weavers of Dusun Rebuk 1, the women who have been developing through skill improvement along with the full support of Titian Foundation and Soroptimist International of Jakarta. In early February, the weavers had the opportunity to take part in a talkshow held by the Ministry of Labour (Kemnaker) at the […]

Tak Ada Kata Terlambat Untuk Belajar

Just like in the other parts of the world, the villagers were busy with their activities in that morning. Some of them were still sleeping after dzikiran with the neighbor. Others spent their morning saying hi to other people who passed their house. Asking where they’re going even though they might already know the answer. […]

Menjadi Seorang Pemimpin

Democratic? Laissez-faire? Or maybe transformational? Before we determine our leadership style, of course we need to understand the basics of leadership and also comprehend the essence of leadership itself. Leadership is one of the important skills that should be owned by everyone, including teenagers. Not solely the ability to lead oneself, but also the ability […]

Meraih ‘Soft Skills’: Kekuatan Pendampingan Titian

This is a piece of the story about what scholarship students in Titian Foundation Bayat learn and explore when they have mentoring sessions with us. Non-technical skills, or in popular language ‘soft skills’, are skills that are continuously developed by all Titian scholarship recipients. One part of our mentoring dynamics is the Sunday Gathering session […]

World Mental Health Day Seminar: Knowing Yourself to Maintain Your Mental Health

In commemoration of World Mental Health Day which occurs on October 10, Titian Foundation Bayat held a seminar with the theme of maintaining mental health by knowing ourselves. This seminar was open to the public, targeting teenagers from junior high school also university students as participants. A total of 53 participants attended the auditorium of […]