Titian Foundation

SMART in Planning Our Future

Entering the final stage of high school, Titianers will begin a new phase which is the early adulthood phase — a phase where a person will learn and begin to live independently and begin to separate from their respective parents. A phase where a person learns to maintain relationships and also meet more people.

Planning for the future will be important in the final years of high school for Titianers in Tangerang Selatan because soon they will have to determine which path they should choose; whether to go to work, go to college, or choose to do other things. Each choice certainly needs to be well-prepared, because the path that Titianers will choose has its particular challenges, especially there are changes within times which will also bring up new difficulties to be faced.
In general, things that a person will face in the early adulthood phase are related to relationships (friendship or romantic relationships) and also work. Relating to other people can help us to build intimacy and commitment. Commitment is also related to the work we will choose later. In this phase, we have also started to think about what kind of work we will do. Speaking about work and the future, of course it will be easier if we already know the things we like or want to do and also the things that we are good at and find our passion.

Last February’s Sunday Gathering had Future Plan as the theme. As stated earlier, it will be easier for us to plan for the future, when we already know the things we like and are also good at (passion). After knowing their respective passions, Titianers will be asked to plan their future within one year (until graduating from high/vocational school) and in the next five years using the SMART method (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely).

The process of finding this passion is done simply by writing down 10 things or activities that Titianers like or things that are useful to them. These activities were selected into five choices and finally sorted into three choices. These three things or activities are the activities that Titianers like the most. These three things are the basis for Titianers to plan for their future.

Planning can be done using many methods and what Titianers have done is by using the SMART method. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely. The purpose of Specific is that a plan that must be detailed. Measurable means that the preparation of the plan must be able to be measured (what you want to achieve within a certain period of time). Achievable means that every plan made must be achievable; this is related to background, financial condition, and also other opportunities (e.g. scholarships, connections, etc.) that can help us to achieve our plans. Relevant related to educational background, abilities, and passion — planning for the future must be applicable for one’s abilities. Timely explains a certain time in the future that we will choose. These can make us commit to the plans we are going to carry out and make us more responsible for the choices we have made.

Titianers will experience a transition period from adolescence to early adulthood, a period where teenagers will begin their independent life and also begin to leave their parents. They will meet new challenges in this new phase of life as making choices after graduating from high or vocational school, things related to relationships, and also work. Plans are always need to be made and to welcome their new life Titianers already have an idea of what they want to do and what they want to achieve in the future. The SMART method is excellent to help them plan their future because it is a fairly simple method, yet very detailed. Making plans that have been made with self-commitment makes Titianers one step closer to their goals. (CAP)

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